Spare Parts

Sachintha Dilshan
2 min readMay 30, 2021


The Spare parts is a film about some secondary school kids who took an interest in a submerged mechanical technology rivalry and won the first spot by contending for certain best colleges in the USA. The group comprises of youngsters who were illicit outsiders, and some didn’t have that much-specialized information, yet everybody acquired something to the table at the end. They helped one another and showed other people who are not skilled in certain spaces and cooperated. Their tutor Fredi Cameron helps them and aids the group’s erroneous heading.

They confronted a lot of troubles, as they needed more assets to make the robot yet that didn’t debilitate them, they discover substitute answers for decrease the expense made the robot with a financial plan of under 800$ which is noteworthy as the other groups’ robot was worked with a more financial plan, one group had a spending plan of 10000$.

Since the group comprises some unlawful workers from Mexico, they experienced to confront difficulties when going to the setting where the challenge is held. However, they oversaw it and went to the contest. The day preceding the rivalry they discover that there is a basic issue in their robot, which is that there is a hole in the situation that ensured the knowledge module. For that additionally, they discover an answer by utilizing tampons to contain water.

This film reveals to us that on the off chance that we cooperate collectively and helped each other to improve information and on the off chance that we confronted a predicament altogether, we could accomplish anything. In the finals, they contended with groups from colleges despite the fact that they are from a secondary school and still won ahead of everyone else in the rivalry. Another message from this is that not to withdraw on the grounds that you are confronting a few inconveniences when attempting to accomplish your objective.

