The boy who harnessed the wind

Sachintha Dilshan
3 min readMay 30, 2021


The film “The kid who outfit the breeze” is rousing. One of the fundamental things I saw in this film it’s advising the crowd to escape the fields to learn. The principal character is driven by a long for information, he needs to find out about dynamos since he thought that it was intriguing, and he needs to utilize that information to construct a windmill to help his town. This film depends on a genuine story that occurred in Malawi during the mid-2000s. The primary character is a teen named William. He is the child of a rancher who is generally thinking and qualities the old ways. He is as of now gifted in fixing old radios and different electronic gear. One day he sees the dynamo of his instructor’s bike and it got his eye. Before long thereafter he needed to quit going to class as he was unable to pay for school charges. In any case, that didn’t debilitate him, so he sneaked into his school library and read books with respect to dynamos and wind energy. Simultaneously, there is an immense food lack in the country in view of conflicting precipitation and dry season. Later the head of the school gets some answers concerning William sneaking into the library and he removes him from his school, so he can’t go to any school around there. Due to food shortage, there is civil unrest in the country, and some random people steal grain that was stored by William’s family. Later due to food shortage people starts to leave his village as there is nothing to eat and if they stay, they will die. William proposes building a windmill to siphon water from a well to his companions from the start, they were not reluctant about it later after William assembled a little model and controlled a radio by it they were locally available. William shows this to his dad who is setting up the land to cultivate and sits tight for a downpour. William requests that his dad’s bike make the windmill. Incensed dad answers that it’s simply a toy and couldn’t transform anything other than William convinced for the bicycle still the dad rejected. Later when the condition in the town gets demolish his dad concurs and gives him the bicycle. Utilizing this bicycle William assembles his first windmill and gets water from a well and the locals begin to cultivate.

One thing about this film is that more often than not individuals learn new things and they don’t utilize them in everyday life or help other people or take care of issues, But William found out about dynamos and utilized them to save his town. One of the adages that ring a bell, in the wake of watching this film is “Information is power”. William utilized his insight, which he acquired by perusing books to help other people.

I think there are two fundamental messages in this film, one is to utilize each to stay hungry for information and uses it to help, take care of issues. In Sri Lanka, there is a free schooling framework, despite the fact that it isn’t awesome, yet I feel that most Sri Lankans don’t utilize this extraordinary chance to use it appropriately. In this day and age, there are a lot of assets to learn, even from YouTube, blog articles, free courses thus numerous approaches to learn new things. We can utilize these assets at the greatest. One of the primary messages in this film is to escape the fields and learn new things. Dynamos are not intended to instruct William at school however he found and entrancing and he self-learned about it. So something else in this film is to learn things that you find inquisitive and entrancing.

