Traits of an Entrepreneur & Career Development

Sachintha Dilshan
4 min readMay 30, 2021


Who is an entrepreneur?

A person who sets up a business or business, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. The process of setting up a business is known as entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures.

The Traits

Honesty and Integrity

Genuineness and Integrity a vital attributes for business people. Business visionaries with respectability are not reluctant to confront reality.


Business visionaries should be certain. They should put stock in themselves, on the off chance that they can’t have faith in themselves nobody will have confidence in them. Business visionaries are daring individuals, and they may need to take some un levelheaded choices which may appear to be an awful alternative however may return great outcomes on the off chance that they did it right. Along these lines, in circumstances such as this, they should have fearlessness about them, their thought, and the group.

Inspire Others

The Entrepreneur or the pioneer’s conduct should motivate workers to act similarly. Correspondence, trustworthiness, consideration, and affectability to the requirements of the workers balance the characteristics and attributes of an uplifting chief. Nobody is motivated by a pioneer who individuals think couldn’t care less about them.

Commitment and Passion

A decent pioneer/business person ought to have a responsibility towards the mission to make it fruitful and enthusiastic in what the individual is doing. On the off chance that the individual doesn’t have any enthusiasm for what they are doing it will before long get exhausting and tedious.

Good Communicator

Business visionaries should be acceptable communicators as they should have the option to pass on their plans to different people groups unmistakably. This is a vital ability as business visionaries once in a while should test out their plans to financial backers to get reserves.

Decision-Making Capabilities

Dynamic expertise is one of the significant abilities needed in dealing with a business, in some cases, one wrong choice may make harm or misfortune to the business. It is a vital ability in any event, for a distinct individual not just for pioneers or business visionaries. Another significant thing is that a pioneer or business person should assume liability for the results of their choices without passing the ball to other people.


Responsibility for business visionaries implies assuming liability for your activities and your exhibition. Responsibility can help in accomplishing more noteworthy lucidity, heading, center, and backing.

Delegation and Empowerment

Designation and strengthening are vital in a business, yet it is utilized for various business circumstances. All in all, strengthening is permitting representatives to follow up for their own benefit, and designation, then again, is giving sufficient lead for them to follow up for your sake as their supervisor.

Creativity and Innovation

In the advanced world, business people should have imagination and developments to become effective business people. They should have the option to think outside about the container and do things another way than others are not doing to improve.


Pioneers ought to have the option to get what or for what reason if somebody is poor in their exhibition assist them with dominating and improve. These abilities are not just for business people/pioneers each individual who will move upwards in their profession should have these abilities.

Outstanding vs Standing-out

The contrast between remarkable and standing apart is that extraordinary is being Prominent or Noticeable, and standing apart from others is excellent or significant.


  • Technical skills
  • Initiative
  • Problem-solving skills.
  • Skills
  • Flexibility / Adaptability
  • Relates well to others.
  • Good communication skill

Standing Out

  • Unique skillset
  • Have a strong network
  • See the connections.
  • Know how to influence.
  • Sharpen the skills that are in demand.
  • Solve other’s problems.
  • Communicates across roles and layers
  • Know more, share more.
  • Focus on the strengths of yours and others.

The 5 dysfunctions of a team

  • Absence of Trust: The dread of being powerless forestalls colleagues from building trust with one another.
  • Fear of conflict: The craving to save counterfeit concordance smothers useful philosophical clash inside the group.
  • Lack of commitment: The absence of lucidity as well as purchase in forestalls colleagues from settling on choices they stick to.
  • Avoidance of accountability: The need to keep away from relational inconvenience forestalls colleagues from considering each other responsible for their practices and execution.
  • Inattention to results: The quest for singular objectives and individual status disintegrates the group’s emphasis on aggregate achievement.

